Mario Ramírez

Stage & Screen Actor Comedian

A young woman, recently graduated from the academy, tries to put an end to police corruption in Mexico, even if it means investigating her boss.

His father was murdered, he will pretend to be a corrupt policeman to execute his revenge.

There is no right young man! A Film by Dean St. Gilbert A tribute to the most recognized Mexican comedian of all

The Price of the American Dream A Film by Jackie Torres The drama The Price of the American Dream covers the trials and tribulations

The True Story of Che Guevara A Film by Maria Wye Berry The documentary film “The True Story Of Che Guevara” presented

The lord of the snakes A Film by Christian González The legend of the culebrero was born in a humble region where

Grab the one with the eggs A Film by Mario Ramírez Reyes Rina’s ambition will make her get involved in an illegal

Dear White People Directed by Tina Mabry Golden boy Troy schmoozes his way around campus at his father’s behest, campaigning for student

Two policemen try to capture the most wanted criminal, but one of them has made a lethal contract that will make him break the law.

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